J.C. Newman Cigar Co. maintains a tradition of hand-rolling cigars going back to its founding in 1895. Now, they invite guests, cigar passionados and cigar novices alike, to participate in the same hand-rolling experience. With guidance from one of their master cigarmakers, roll five cigars you can take home with you.
This experience takes place on most Friday afternoons. Groups of six guests can come to the factory for a hands-on cigarmaking experience. You will roll the wrapper on the bunched binder and filler of a cigar and make cigars alongside their factory staff.
The experience lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes and is intended for those of legal purchasing age for tobacco (21+). Any Handrolling classes scheduled after July 1 will pay the entire $75 fee in a single transaction at the time of booking.
Originally posted on May 12, 2023 @ 2:20 am