The sixth International Enjoy A Cigar Day is taking place today, on May 31, 2023. It is no coincidence that the day originally proclaimed by Cigar Rights of Europe and Cigar Rights of America coincides with World No Tobacco Day. It is important to highlight cigars as a cultural asset that, as a luxury and pleasure product, cannot be legally equated with cigarettes. The newly founded platform Cigar Rights of the World also supports these concerns.
On this day, consumer organizations want to draw attention to the following:
that the cigar is a luxury product, enjoyed by discerning adults as an indulgence, not a habit;
that each premium cigar is a natural product;
that the enjoyment of cigars can contribute to one’s personal wellbeing by offering moments of solace, contemplation and fellowship;
that premium cigars, versus other tobacco products such as cigarettes, should not be treated the same way by law;
that patrons of cigars, and producers and sellers of cigars contribute to their communities, support charities, and believe in the right to personal freedom;
that thousands of jobs are maintained in agriculture, industry, and commerce (above all in countries that need support);
that cigar patrons believe they should have the option to enjoy a cigar where they are welcome. Private property owners, be it retail tobacconists or establishments in the hospitality sector, should have the liberty to set their own rules for the enjoyment of cigars, not governmental bodies that have alternative agendas;
that cigar culture should be assigned world heritage status.
Originally posted on May 31, 2023 @ 4:17 am