The next cigar event will really be exceptional. One of the most significant personalities of cigar world, big fighter against premium cigar regulation, man with infinite energy – Rocky Patel will come to enjoy his exceptional cigars together. The Rocky Patel cigar evening will take place in less than two weeks on Thursday 08.09.2022 at 18:00 in Wakelake resort at Zlate piesky in Bratislava. The seating is located at private outdoor terrace. Entry fee 60 EUR (on-site) / 55 EUR (purchased in advance in one of our stores in Bratislava) includes 3 cigars, 2 alcoholic beverages and a nice dinner. Dom Cigár will be serving the following selection:
Hamlet Liberation Robusto
Rocky Patel SE Robusto
Rocky Patel Sixty Robusto
Please confirm your attendance before 06.09.2022.
Originally posted on August 30, 2022 @ 7:18 am