Probably no other cigar is as legendary as the Cohiba. Cuban cigars constantly bring on discussions. Some love them and consider them to be the golden standard; others consider them to be overrated and occasionally criticize their workmanship. It is the crucial question of the cigar world and an eternal competition – Cuba against the rest of the world.
Recently, Habanos S.A.’s new pricing policy has been making the news again. The international price level was adjusted to the prices of the Hong Kong market. Thus, many popular cigars have become significantly more expensive overnight. The Cohiba Robusto – for many years the Robusto par excellence – is one of them. Whether these prices are justified or not is for others to clarify. The question that concerns us today is whether the perception of this cigar has now changed. How does the smoking experience change for a cigar that now costs EUR 68.00. A question that some find trivial, but which is justified. Because the price represents a decisive factor and part of the experience for many.
So today we want to get to look into the question of whether the impressions around the Cohiba Robusto have changed since the price increase. Of course, we’re aware that this can’t be our usual tasting, but certainly an exciting experiment. So scan the QR code and let’s get to the bottom of an old luxury myth and smoke a Cohiba Robusto together.
Originally posted on November 6, 2022 @ 6:20 am