At the 2023 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, Black Star Line Cigars will showcase its Rosewood 1923 cigar. It marks the first time that the company will be working with James Brown and Fabrica Oveja Negra.
The cigar will be a regular production offering by Black Star Line Cigars and will come in one size – a 6 x 48 Toro. The blend consists of a Mexican San Andres wrapper, Ecuadorian binder, and a combination of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers. The initial production will include 400 20-count boxes and 100 20-count bundles. Pricing is set at $12.99 per cigar.
In a press release announcing Rosewood 1923, Black Star Line Cigars owner Aric Bey said, “I have always wanted to work with Oveja Negra. I am a huge fan of their cigars and actually James was one of the first people I reached out to when I was looking to enter the Cigar industry. I ended up gaining JB’s respect through my hardwork and persistence with what I have done thus far with Aganorsa Leaf.”
The name Rosewood 1923 is a dedication to a race riot that occurred in Rosewood, Florida in 1923. Bey stated, “I love the name because it not only pays homage to the 100 year anniversary of the massacre but also pays homage to my fraternity brother John Singleton who made a movie about Rosewood in the early 90s. I am a member of “Greater” Beta chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc and Singleton passed away a few years ago.”
The PCA Trade Show opens July 7, 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
At a glace, here is a look at Black Star Line Cigars’ Rosewood 1923:
Blend and Origin
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres
Binder: Ecuadorian
Filler: Nicaraguan, Dominican
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Fabrica Oveja Negra
Vitolas Offered
Corona: 6 x 48
Photo/Image Credits: Black Star Line Cigars
Originally posted on June 10, 2023 @ 12:17 pm