Felix Mesa, the owner of El Galan Cigars, who has been spearheading Arturo Fuente’s Nicaraguan operations since 2018, is departing. Mesa will turn his attention back to the El Galan brands. News of Mesa’s departure from Fuente’s Nicaraguan project was made on El Galan’s social media channels.
“It has been a pleasure working with the team at Fuente for more than four years. We’ve accomplished great things in Nicaragua, and I wish the company nothing but success,” explains Mesa.
The social media post says that by mutual agreement, Mesa’s contract with Arturo Fuente was not renewed and therefore, the agreement was terminated effective July 28, 2023.
During his time in Nicaragua, he spearheaded Arturo Fuente’s farm operations and set up the infrastructure for Fuente’s factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.
Mesa will now re-focus on the El Galan brands which include: The El Galan portfolio of brands include: El Galan, El Galan Maduro, El Galan Reserva Especial, Doña Nieves, Vegas del Purial, and Campestre.
Originally posted on August 8, 2023 @ 2:17 pm