At the 2023 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, Illusione Cigars will introduce an exclusive cigar under its Cigares Prive brand that will be available for retailers to purchase.
Cigares Prive was originally a brand launched by Illusione Cigars for its private label projects. Eventually the brand was folded into the portfolio.
The company is not disclosing a lot of details other that it will be a 6 x 50 Toro containing tobaccos from Honduras and Nicaragua, and that It will be produced at Fabrica de Tabacos Raices Cubanas S. de R.L in Honduras. A total of 795 ten-packs will be allocated. Pricing is set at $9.95 per cigar of $99.50 per ten-pack.
The Illusione Cigares Prive is scheduled to ship to retailers in August, 2023. The PCA Trade Show opens July 7, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Originally posted on June 22, 2023 @ 6:17 pm