The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) is expanding the scope of to now include Canada. Today, the first action alert aimed at Canada was announced by the PCA and it’s aimed at challenging proposed restrictive packaging requirements for distributors and retailers who sell premium cigars.
The Premium Cigar Association (PCA) says this is the launch of its first grassroots campaign in Canada using the alert center. This campaign will engage and mobilize premium cigar retailers and enthusiasts across the country to support and defend the rights of cigar smokers. was an initiative launched by the PCA in 2018. It’s meant to provide information on public policy issues and provide an opportunity to use online forms to communicate to government officials opposition to those policies deemed detrimental to cigar enthusiasts and the cigar industry.
Up until now, was aimed at U.S. Federal and State policies that could adversely affect the cigar industry. The inclusion of Canada expands the scope of the platform to the international community. Specifically, in Canada, Health Canada has proposed a new health warning label regulation that would cover 75% of the cigar packaging.
The Canadian packaging proposal has a call to action for both consumers and retailers to contact members of Parliament to oppose the proposed legislation.
Expanding the organization’s advocacy program to the international community has been an initiative by the PCA. Recently Ryan Parada was promoted to Senior Manager of Government Affairs and International Policy and his new responsibilities include taking a role in advocacy in the international community.
Originally posted on December 19, 2022 @ 6:18 pm