At the 2023 Premium Cigar Association Trade Show, Quality Importers will introduce the Palió Pistola, a double-jet angled flame lighter.
Palió Pistola features a high-powered 30-degree angled double-jet flame and a large capacity fuel tank which functions as the grip and Quality Importers says is specially molded to ensure comfort. The lighter also contains a large flame adjuster wheel. In addition, there is dedicated space for customization through Quality Importers SWAG Bunker print facility.
The Palió Pistola is packaged in 16-count displays featuring four lighters in different color options: smoke, clear, red, and blue. Pricing is set at $14.99 SRP per lighter. The Palió Pistola is set to ship in September.
In a press release, Alex Goldman, President and COO of Quality Importers said, “I declared 2023 the Year of Palio® and we have seen retailers worldwide grow in the adoption of this brand. The addition of the Palio® Pistola fills a gap in the portfolio of grab and go lighters on your counter. We look forward to impressing the whole industry as we introduce the Palió Pistola.”
The PCA Trade Show opens July 7, 2023, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Quality Importers is making available the Palió Pistola to all attendees of the PCA Opening Night gala on July 7.
Originally posted on July 5, 2023 @ 10:17 am