At the 2024 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, Fratello Cigars will launch an all new brand, Concealed Carry Cigars. It’s a brand that will offer select retailers access to blends curated and selected from undisclosed factories. The program will kick off with a collection of six small batch cigars – each with a unique theme and blend.
Fratello says the program will be limited to 75 retail members nationwide. Member retailers will get exclusive access to one time production blends. There are no plans to disclose any of the production blends. As for what this project looks like, Fratello is also holding back those details until the PCA 2024 Trade Show.
“The reason for creating Concealed Carry Cigars is to portray a period in our history that some would like to remember, and others forget. We are telling each story with a cigar”. Said Fratello owner, Omar de Frias in a press release.
Concealed Carry cigars is getting its own logo featuring a chameleon. Fratello says the chameleon “represents
adaptability, resilience, and belonging. Just as the chameleon seamlessly blends into its surroundings, Concealed Carry Cigars is here to blend and forge connections across a very selected group of retailer members nationwide.”
“Every retailer in the United States has patronage from every walk of life. We want to create and foster a sense of community and education with Concealed Carry Cigars, and we look forward to seeing everyone at PCA this year.” says de Frias.
The 2024 PCA Trade Show opens March 23, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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