It’s high season for cigar enthusiasts. While the major festivals in Nicaragua, Cuba and the Dominican Republic attract connoisseurs from all over the world, cigar manufacturers and brands are presenting their latest creations at two major trade shows in Las Vegas.
The dynamics on the international markets and the changing consumer behavior of passionados worldwide provide additional topics for discussion.
The Light ’em Up Lounge invites their guests to socialize with top-class speakers.
The live show takes place every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Central European Time / 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Guests are welcome to join the discussion in the virtual lounge or tune in via the live stream.
February 21st, Laurent Taha – Skull 77
February 28th, A special show live from the United States
March 6th, Rafael Nodal – Tabacalera USA
March 13th, An Industry Panel Discussion
Further information can be found on the homepage of Light em Up World as well as on our Facebook page.
The post Light em Up Lounge – February / March 2024 first appeared on Cigar Journal.