Forged Cigar Company has announced a maduro-wrapped line of cigars known as the Diesel Vintage Series. The cigar is designed to be a powerhouse Nicaraguan-forward cigar featuring deeply aged fillers.
Diesel Vintage is a project developed between AJ Fernandez and Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG)’s Justin Andrews. The cigar features a Mexican San Andres wrapper over a Nicaraguan binder from Estelí, and Nicaraguan tobaccos from Jalapa ranging in age from five to eight years. The cigar is available in five sizes: Gigante Nub (4 1/2 x 60, SRP $8.79/cigar), Robusto Gordo (5 x 56, SRP $7.79/cigar), Toro (6 x 52, SRP $7.99/cigar), Double Corona (7 3/4 x 49, SRP $8.79/cigar), Rabito (6 x 46, SRP $9.29/cigar). All sizes are presented in 20-count boxes except for the Rabito which is in ten-count boxes.
“With Vintage Series, we’ve responded to feedback from our valued retailers across the country who told us they wanted to give their customers the true experience of vintage tobacco in a well-crafted, premium smoke. The catch was that it had to be at just the right price point. I’m proud to say that AJ Fernandez and I have delivered a cigar that fires on all cylinders: quality, construction, complexity and price,” commented Justin Andrews in a press release.
Diesel Vintage is currently shipping to retailers. The cigar is expected to be showcased at the 2023 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show in Las Vegas.
At a glance, here is a look at the Diesel Vintage Series:
Blend and Origin
Wrapper: San Andres Negro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaragua
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Factory: Not Disclosed
Vitolas Offered
Gigante Nub: 4 1/2 x 60
Robusto Gordo: 5 x 56
Rabito: 6 x 46
Toro: 6 x 52
Double Corona: 7 3/4 x 49
Photo Credits: Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Originally posted on July 1, 2023 @ 6:17 pm