For the normal cigarette smoker, shifting their smoking agenda towards the field of cigars should not be intertwined. There are totally different smoking materials. For one, cigarettes are smaller in size and not manufactured and prepared in the way that cigars are done.
Secondly, cigars are entirely expensive compared to one pack of cigarette. For some cigars such as Cuban or Havana manufactured cigars, the price of one piece of cigar may be equivalent or even more expensive than one pack of cigarette. This is largely due to the materials used in making one cigar roll. Tobacco leaves and storage is different and this can be attested to once they are given the chance to try them out.
The manner of smoking is different. For cigarettes they have filters and are inhaled. For cigars, it does not follow that people will inhale them all the time. Chances are they may even get dizzy if they inhale cigar fumes, but there are people who do so, probably because they have been accustomed to doing so with cigarettes beforehand.
Originally posted on October 14, 2010 @ 3:24 am